apuan alps unesco global geopark





"Rains & Ruins" in the Apuan Alps
educational exhibition for disaster risk reduction

Park Visitor Centre, Palazzo Rossetti in Seravezza
22nd December 2016 - 30th September 2017

Weekdays 9:00-18:00; Saturday 9:00-13:00
free admission





realised in 2001 and 
updated in 2016
(in italian)


This educational exhibition is dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the devastating flood that occurred on 19th June 1996 in the Apuan Alps, between Versilia and Garfagnana. It includes images, informative panels, multimedia and educational tools about this dramatic event and its effects on the area.

The aims of the exhibition are:

  • increasing awareness regarding the geological hazards through educational activities for the local people and Park visitors;

  • contributing to building more resilient communities having the knowledge and skills to effectively respond to potential geological hazards;

  • providing ways to reduce the impacts including disaster response strategies.

The history of the Apuan Alps is a history of rains and ruins. Here, the floods return sooner or later with such a unique and sudden violence.
The chronicles of the past almost always tell the same event: few hours of very intense rain carrying debris flows and uprooted trees, as the rivers swell beyond measure and destroy any obstacle in their mad race to the sea.
Here, disasters are not the rule, but the recurring exception. Landslides and floods belong to everyone’s experience, yet people forget quickly after each reconstruction.

Using the memory of past disasters
is the best way to warn about the risks and hazards of the future... 







Room n. 2 - 1996: disaster images



Room n. 3 - Centuries of floods



Room n. 4 - The flood as educational tool (main section)



Room n. 5 - The flood as educational tool (other section)



Room n. 6 - Floods in other Geoparks